We are proud to announce the new multi-purpose REVO FC which combines the complete REVO 80 functionality with a Fundus Camera. A single versatile device featuring high resolution OCT and true color fundus imaging for time and space efficiency.
The built-in 12.3 Mpix camera guarantees excellent image reproduction. REVO  FC meets all requirements for modern optical tomographs.








Fundus Camera with the complete REVO 80 functionality
The combination of an All in One OCT technology with a Full Color Fundus Camera in one compact system gives you high quality OCT images and a detailed color image for a multipurpose diagnosis.
Capturing color fundus images of retina and OCT scanning of a retina in a single shot on one device saves both time and space.


Now you can use the REVO FC  in the way you need it:

  • as a Full Color Fundus Camera
  • as a combo providing simultaneous OCT and fundus images
  • only for high quality OCT imaging including OCT-A
  • as a Biometry device

REVO FC offers all proven advantages of REVO systems with a cutting-edge color Fundus imaging for a new level of diagnostic certainty. High quality OCT scanning and a comprehensive analysis of the retinal layers combined with a Fundus imaging make the examination versatile as never before.

What makes the REVO FC truly unique is its integrated non-mydriatic 12.3 Mpix Fundus Camera capable of capturing ultra-high quality and detailed color images. The REVO FC Fundus Camera is fully automated, safe and easy to use.

  • The advanced optical system ensures high quality imaging at as wide as 45° viewing angle.
  • A Color Fundus image capturing is possible with a pupil as small as 3.3 mm. An OCT  scan is possible even on a 2.4 mm pupil.
  • Easy to use image processing tools such as  RGB channel, brightness, contrast, gamma and sharpness adjusters used with filters deliver a stunning retinal image.
  • Available view modes present detailed photos of a single or both eyes as well as a time comparison of the fundus photos.


Full screen Fundus Photo view

Full screen Fundus Photo

Both eyes Fundus Photo view

Both eyes Fundus Photo view

Comparison Fundus Photo view

Fundus Photo Comparison view


REVO FC with  80 000 A-scan/sec scanning speed offers advanced technologies and remarkable simplicity of operation. It meets all requirements for modern optical tomographs.

Single 3D Retina examination is enough to perform both Retina and Glaucoma analysis based on retinal scans. Software automatically recognizes 8 retina layers. Thus allowing a more precise diagnosis and mapping of any changes in the patient’s retina condition.


Comprehensive glaucoma analytical tools for quantification of the Nerve Fiber Layer, Ganglion layer and Optic Head with DDLS allow for the precise diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma over time.
With the golden standard 14 optic nerve parameters and a new Rim to Disc and Rim Absence the description of ONH condition is quick and precise.
Advanced view which provides combined information from Retina and Disc scan to integrate details of the Ganglion cells, RNFL, ONH in a wide field perspective for comprehensive analysis.

Advance Retina & ONH ONH Single

GLAUCOMA Advance Retina & ONH    GLAUCOMA ONH Single

Asymmetry Analysis of Ganglion layers between hemi-spheres and between eyes allows easier identification and detection of glaucoma in early stages and in non-typical patients.

Ganglion Both

GLAUCOMA Ganglion Both

Ganglion Progression

GLAUCOMA Ganglion Progression


Implemented the DDLS  – Disc Damage Likelihood Scale which use 3 separate classification for small, average and large discs. It supports the practitioners in a quick and precise evaluation of the patient’s glaucomatous disc damages.

ONH Both


ONH Progression

GLAUCOMA ONH Progression


To eliminate common problem with the understanding of the patient’s IOP pachymetry module provides IOP Correction value.  With the implemented Adjusted IOP formula you can quickly and precisely understand the measured IOP value.
As the Pachymetry and Anterior Chamber Angle Verification require no additional attachments, the predefined Glaucoma protocol, which consists of Retina, Disc and Anterior scans, can be done automatically to reduce patient chair time.

Closing angle

Closing angle

Anterior single view

Anterior single view



STRUCTURE & FUNCTION – Combined OCT and VF results analysis

Invaluable combination of information about the functional quality of vision with comprehensive data on retinal Ganglion Cells, RNFL and Optic Nerve Head for both eyes on a single report page. The S&F report contains the following:

  • VF sensitivity results (24-2/30-2 or 10-2)
  • Total and Pattern Deviation probability graphs for VF results
  • Reliability and Global indices for VF results
  • Combined map of Structure & Function
  • Ganglion cell analysis (GCL+IPL or NFL+GCL+IPL)
  • ONH and NFL analysis including charts and comparison tables
  • NFL Asymmetry Plot

The S&F report compares in a natural way the anatomical relationship between VF and RNFL/Ganglion maps.


Structure & Function

S+F provides a quick and comprehensive single page report for glaucoma management.

For standard examination no additional lens is required. Additional adapter provided with the device allows to make wide scans of anterior segment.

Cornea Single

Cornea Both

Cornea Comparison

Cornea Progression


High density of standard 3D scan allows to precisely track the disease progression. Operator can analyze changes is morphology, quantified progression maps and evaluate the progression trends.

Progression Morphology

Progression Quantification


Comparison view allows in easy and convince way to review results from two visits. The view is available for most of the scan programs.


A proficient networking solution increases productivity and an enhanced patient experience. It allows you to view and manage multiple examinations from review stations in your practice. Effortlessly helping to facilitate patient education by allowing you to interactively show examination results to patients. Every practice will have different requirements which we can provide by tailoring a bespoke service. There is no additional charge for the server module.

Store, exchange, and transmit results through DICOM gateway to the hospital network.


This module allows visualization of the retinal microvasculature. Angiography SOCT is a non-invasive, dye-free technique providing 3D image of retinal blood circulation.
B-OCT™ innovative method of using the  posterior OCT device to measure ocular structure along eye axis.
T-OCT™ is a pioneering way to provide detailed corneal Curvature maps by using posterior dedicated OCT.


Technical Specification

Type Non-mydriatic fundus camera
Photography type Color
Angle of view 45° ± 5% or less
Min. pupil size for fundus 3.3 mm or more
Camera 12.3 Megapixel CCD camera
Technology Spectral Domain OCT
Light Source SLED, Wavelength 830 nm
Bandwidth 50 nm half bandwidth
Scanning speed 80 000 measurements per second
Axial resolution 2.6 μm digital, 5 μm in tissue
Transverse Resolution 12 μm, typical 18 μm
Overall scan depth 2.4 mm
Focus adjustment range -25 D to +25 D
Scan range Posterior 5 mm to 12 mm, Angio 3 mm to 9 mm,
Anterior 3 mm to 16 mm
Scan types 3D, Angio*, Radial (HD), B-scan (HD), Raster (HD), Cross (HD), AL, ACD
Fundus alignment IR, Live Fundus Reconstruction
Alignment method Fully automatic, Automatic, Manual
Retina analysis Retina thickness, Inner Retinal thickness, Outer Retinal thickness, RNFL+GCL+IPL thickness, GCL+IPL thickness, RNFL thickness, RPE deformation, MZ/EZ-RPE thickness
Angiography OCT
an optional software module to purchase
Vitreous, Retina, Choroid, Superfi cial Plexus, RPCP, Deep Plexus, Outer Retina, Choriocapilaries, Depth Coded, SVC, DVC, ICP, DCP, Custom, Enface, FAZ, VFA, NFA, Quantifi cation: Vessel Area Density, Skeleton Area Density, Thickness map
Glaucoma analysis RNFL, ONH morphology, DDLS, OU and Hemisphere asymmetry, Ganglion analysis as RNFL+GCL+IP and GCL+IPL,
Structure + Functionvia connection with PTS software version 3.4 or higher
Angiography mosaic Acquistion method: Auto, Manual
Mosaic modes: 10 x 6 mm, Manual up to 12 images
Biometry OCT
an optional software module to purchase
Anterior Wide
No lens/adapter required
Pachymetry, Epithelium map, Stroma map, Angle Assessment, AIOP, AOD 500/750, TISA 500/750, Angle to Angle view
Connectivity DICOM Storage SCU, DICOM MWL SCU, CMDL, Networking
Fixation target OLED display (The target shape and position can be changed), External fixation arm
Dimensions (WxDxH) / Weight 367 x 480 x 504 mm / 30 kg
Power supply / consumption 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz / 115-140 VA


REVO FC Brochure

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