Quantel Aviso S


AVISO S (approved by Pr Karl Ossoinig) offers a unique standardized A mode for tissue differentiation and characterization, which is an essential tool to differentiate mass lesions such as ocular tumors. In combination with the 20 MHz B probe, it offers high definition images of the posterior pole essential for retinal specialists.


AVISO S platform also includes UBM imaging, conventional 10 MHz B mode as well as biometry and IOL calculation. It’s the ultrasound platform of choice in reference centers for ophthalmic oncology.
AVISO S has a powerful and user friendly interface and easily connect to your EMR or DICOM network.


  • Wide range of different probes to cover all the physician’s needs: 10 and 20 MHz B-scan, 25 MHz and 50 MHz UBM, and biometry probes.
  • UBM 50 MHz linear probe featuring a linear scanning for a complete visualization of the anterior chamber in one single scan.
  • Full set of semi-automated measuring tools for glaucoma screening


10 MHz

10MHz B Probe video

General diagnosis probe

10 MHz Probe for eye and orbit examination. Automatic biometry readings obtained from a B mode image allowing axial length measurements for difficult to measure long eyes or posterior staphyloma.


20 MHz

20MHz B Desgarro Periferico <video>

High frequency posterior pole.

The magnetic 20 MHz probe for retina is a unique diagnostic tool for high resolution posterior pole and retinal periphery imaging. the distinction between the retina, choroid and sclera as well as the vitreoretinal junction have never been finer.



UBM 50MHz Anterior chamber with luxated IOL <video>

Anterior chamber analysis, including structures behind the iris, up to the posterior capsule of the lens.

Standardized Probe

 Lin 25 MHz Probe

Biometry Probe
















The S mode allows for diagnosis of tumor lesions, diagnosis of retinal/vitreous membrane detachment, diagnosis of Graves’ disease. High frequency anterior segment.
25 MHz UBM probe offering linear technology designed for anterior chamber imaging and cataract specialists.
Axial length measurements probe. Biometry with a standard 11MHz A-scan probe.



Biometry with an advanced 11MHz A-scan probe featuring a laser beam for patient’s fixation.




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