Quantel ABSOLU
Quantel Medical has made a decisive leap forward with a new 5 ring annular technology on a 20 MHz probe.
The principe is to emit alternating ultrasounds by 5 concentric transducers located in a single probe. The images thus obtained are spectacular as the entire eye is now visible with an exceptional level of detail.
- Increased depth of field allowing the visualization of the entire eye
- Outstanding resolution from the anterior part of the vitreous to the wall
- New UBM imaging technology allowing different imaging modes.
- Motion sensor allowing to locate the ultrasound beam in real time in the ocular diagram.
- Intuitive and user friendly software for a better navigation experience.
20 MHz Annular
New annular technology with 5 rings. Outstanding depth of field that allows simultaneous visualization from the vitreous to the wall with a very high resolution. Biometry in B-mode.
Anterior chamber analysis, including structures behind the iris, up to the posterior capsule of the lens.
Standardized probe
The S mode allows for diagnosis of tumor lesions, diagnosis of retinal/vitreous membrane detachment, diagnosis of Graves’ disease.
General examination of the eye and the orbit with an high resolution. Biometry in B-mode.
Biometry with an advanced 11MHz A-scan probe featuring a laser beam for patient’s fixation.
Biometry Probe
Axial length measurements probe. Biometry with a standard 11MHz A-scan probe.
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