First because they last

With American-made quality and a world-class reputation, Reliance exam and surgical stoolsoffer the long-lasting comfort, style and functionality physicians need to provide patients with optimal care. And because we can offer you the perfect balance of choice, flexibility and guaranteed sturdiness, you get more convenience than ever before.
Each series of stools features different models to address every need.

Let’s talk about your options.



Close up of the 5 legs of exam stoolSTABILITY

Stay focused on what’s important

All of our exam stools are created so you can enjoy your work, free of hassle. And maximum stability means you can focus on the procedure.

All stools feature five legs to distribute weight more evenly. Stool legs also extend beyond the seat’s circumference to provide stability in the sit-stand position. Some of our surgical stools even feature floor locks to help prevent from accidental rolling or disturbance.

Enhance your position.


Reliance 5300 series chair back in blackCOMFORT

It’s a given.

All of our stools provide the long-lasting comfort that keeps physicians focused on providing the best quality care for patients.

With the ability to adjust the height of the surgical chairby foot or hand, you don’t have to worry about physical strain. All seats are wide enough to comfortably hold each individual to avoid slipping or fidgeting.

Comfort can change the way you work.


Reliance 500 series chair with hydraulic liftVERSATILITY

Made to be used in a variety of settings

Haag-Streit exam and surgical stools are designed to adapt to different surfaces. Rugged 2 1/2” casters, molded from hard rubber, provide easy mobility. Soft rubber casters may be selected as an option for use on hard floors. So no matter what type of floor you have, your stool functions effectively.

See all of your options.


Compare Models

Model 5300 Series 4200 Series 500 Series
Reliance 5300 series chair Reliance 4200 series chair Reliance 500 series chair
Lift Mechanism  Pneumatic Pneumatic Hydraulic
Height Adjustment Hand with ring Hand with lever Foot Pedal
Height Range 18.5″ to 24.75″ 20″ to 27.5″ 17.5″ to 25″ Standard
Number of Models 4 4 5
Foot Ring Option Option Standard
Casters Rubber Plastic Rubber
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